Monday 15 November 2010

Stuart Wallace- Genre Research

Film Genre Research and Traits
Ghost Busters
Traits within Film-
·         Use of comedy within the text, such as quirky characters e.g. getting covered with goo from a ghost
·         Sugar coated ending
·         Use of CGI to recreate ghosts
·         Lots of stereotypes used within the film, such as teck nerd as well as the

Within the Thriller there are a large number of sub-genres, but the general traits are that the text is full of tension, suspense and are generally filled with enigma codes. They use a number of techniques to create these, such as use of lighting, non-diegetic sound and a number of different shots. One of the most famous is when the camera is approaching the door, the combination of all of these causes a lot of tension within the audience due to anxiety to see what is behind the door.

Sub-genres such as crime, Psychological, conspiracy and many more. Most of these tend to follow Todorov’s narrative, equilibrium (a calm moment) then disruption is caused by the bad guys which is then resolved by the hero and is then returned to equilibrium. One thing I like though is that not all thrillers have a sugar coated narrative and o end badly sometimes, this moves away from generic film plots.

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