Friday 26 November 2010

pietro papadimitriou: research on genre and things to be included in the film

Film genre research and traits

Me and Stuart decided to create a PG rated thriller opening.
Pg rated movies have some common characteristics, even if each one is different.

Some common characteristics are:
  • Ghosts, both good and bad.
  • Creepy places , such as haunted mansions or graveyards
  • General creepy objects such as spider webs, dark places with flickering candles, graves and particular weather conditions for example deep fog or heavy storms
  • The protagonists are generally funny and smart but also really scared of ghosts or monsters
  • There is always a happy ending where the protagonists are well and survived the bad adventure.

A great example is Scooby-doo the movie:
In this movie all of this characteristics previously explained appear, in fact ghosts or monsters always appear. Creepy places such as “ the creepy theme park” where the movie is located, the protagonists are smart ( Vlma) funny ( shaggy and Scooby-doo) and brave ( Daphne and fred)
At the end of the movie , they find out who the villain is and everything goes back to equilibrium.

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