Friday 26 November 2010

Stuart Wallace- Institutions that may be involved with the film

I have decided that there are two main film institutions that would be involved with the film, this is due to the film being a PG Thriller as well as these being recognized brands.

The first is Warner Brother's, due to their involvement with children, this could be from their cartoons to their other children films, and I believe that their experience would be useful in advertising and distributing the film. But there have also been involved with television, such as Smallville, Buffy the vampire slayer which in some way are thrillers. They also produced the Harry Potter films which have been known as a British phenomenon, based on its reputation, Warner Brother's would be a great institution to work with.
I have also decided that Spyglass Entertainment would be the perfect distributors, since they have 12 years experience with co-producing films as well as being able to work with Paramount Pictures as well as Disney. This would mean that a large part of the market could be targeted when advertising the film through their connections and links.  

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