Friday, 18 March 2011

evaluation task 1-2 pietro papadimitriou


The person in the first picture is our media studies film protagonists,
He is in a library focused on his studies. The person on the second picture is the protagonists of the film “ Kick Ass” , which had important cast such as Nicholas Cage and was distributed by Universal Pictures.

Both of the two protagonists have many similarities, in fact they are both not popular within their society, they have few friends ( our protagonist has some even if they are not shown),  they are dressed in similar way, in fact they both wear glasses and a colored shirt, they hair is not brusche and they both go trough some sort of exciting and scarying adventure in the movie. 

1.The title of the film “ The Gate”. We chose to write this title in this way for various reasons. The title is white on a back bag round, the font is simple and smart, we decided to do it so simple because it looks professional and we didn’t have the skills to produce CGI titles, therefore this is one of the best titles we could get. I also believe that this title refelcts the genre of our film, which is a PG rated thriller.

2. The setting is mainly in the forest or in closed areas, we chose these settings because they reflect our movie, which is based on a ghost story and we also triied to make them look as close as possible to films such as the haunted mansion and casper, which are our genre.
We also chose to shoot a scene in fornt of an old chucrch because it looks creepy ( which is what a ghost story trie sto achieve) and makes the film look more real.

3. We didn’t have a complicate choice of clothing for our protagonist, in fact he is just a school boy, not really popular and devoted to his studies, we decided to make him wear a simply colored shirt and a jeans, this cloche are typical for any teen ager.
I believe that our protagonist can be compared to the protagonist of the movie Kick-ass or Spiderman.

4.  We did a lot of editing for our film, we used premier elements and we tried to include professional cuts and angles, for example we used low angles, match on action, fade in and fade out ( for the titles) and the most complicate effect we used was the gosting effect  ( when the protagonist gets possesed). This effect could be compared to the effect that occurs in the tv series “Misfits” when one of the protagonists uses his power.

5/6 The story is quite linear and well structured, we include elements of a typical PG rated movie, such as ghots, school,  casual clothes and students. The protagonist s a normal school boy.

In mosto of our movie we take ispiration mainly from 3 films : The haunted mansion, Casper and Kick-ass.

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