Tuesday 7 December 2010

Which production companies would produce our movie?

since our movie is going to be a PG rated thriller, i have tought about some production companies that could be intersted in our movie.

Walt disney:
Walt disney is a major comapny for producing Pg rated movies( such as the haunted mansion) and all other kind of movies that would interest families, even if is mostly intersted in cartoons, I think that would be a great producer for our movie.
warner bros, another giant of hollywood, produces any kind of movie from the matrix to the looney toones movies. This company was alsoc involved in some of the most famous thriller series such as buffy and in some amazing movies such as Harry Potter.
In my opinion this company could be intersted in our production.

often Spy glass entertainment is associated with WD or WB, Thanks to the great experience on the field of cinema and then great connections, this company could publish and promote our production.

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