Tuesday 7 December 2010

Pietro Papadimitriou: Target audience for our movie using U.K. tribes.

searching between the U.K. tribes it was quite hard to find a tribe that would see a PG rated thriller movie, I managed to find only one that would refelct a bit our target audience, The Mainstream.

The Mainstream is the biggest part of the market, but with alternative/trendy lifestyles and music now much more accessible, the various Mainstream Tribes also lose much of their membership in later years. Those who remain tend to specialise into more aspirational subsets like Casuals, Boy Racers and Sports Junkies. Siege mentality makes the alpha males among Mainstream tribes suspicious of trendy music or clothes and quick to criticise peers who seem to be standing out. Big brand sportswear and high street fashion predominates with Mainstream tribes and music, even for Ravers, is mostly commercial.

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